Category Archives: Keepin’ It Real

Keepin’ It Real

– Keepin’ It Real captures the true essence of family life that I know is fleeting, keeping this mama grounded – It’s been ‘one of those’ days.  I am in bed and it is only 7.30pm.  I’m wondering if there … Continue reading

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Keepin’ It Real

– Keepin’ It Real captures the true essence of family life that I know are fleeting, keeping this mama grounded – Jairah has taken a shine to books of late and I will often find him propped up on the … Continue reading

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Keepin’ It Real

– Keepin’ It Real captures the true essence of family life that I know are fleeting, keeping this mama grounded – If there was an olympic event for procrastinators, I think I would be in contention for a gold medal. … Continue reading

Posted in Craft, Family Life, Keepin' It Real | Tagged , , , , , | 2 Comments

Keepin’ It Real

– Keepin’ It Real captures the true essence of family life that I know are fleeting, keeping this mama grounded – I put Jairah down for his usual afternoon sleep yesterday.  He will often play for a bit before having … Continue reading

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Keepin’ It Real

– Keepin’ It Real captures the true essence of family life that I know are fleeting, keeping this mama grounded – This week has passed me by so rapidly, I’m about dizzy.  So much to to, but only so much … Continue reading

Posted in Family Life, Keepin' It Real, Renovations (Renos 101!) | Tagged , , , , | 3 Comments

Keepin’ It Real

– Keepin’ It Real captures the true essence of family life that I know are fleeting, keeping this mama grounded – For most of her life, Scarlett took to running to the far reaches of the house whenever the vacuum … Continue reading

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Keepin’ It Real

We had one of the painters back yesterday finishing off the last of the painting we had done last week.  I had the kids corralled down one end of the house away from the wet paint.  Enter some morning playtime … Continue reading

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Keepin’ It Real

– Keepin’ It Real captures the true essence of family life that I know are fleeting, keeping this mama grounded – Jairah has the funkiest hair.  It is so fine and whispy, that it often stands on end or has … Continue reading

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Keepin’ It Real

– Keepin’ It Real captures the true essence of family life that I know are fleeting, keeping this mama grounded – As we are in the midst of renovating, different rooms get reassigned their use.  The playroom is currently also … Continue reading

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Keepin’ It Real

– Keepin’ It Real captures the true essence of family life that I know are fleeting, keeping this mama grounded – The scenes that I happen upon around here are interesting to say the least.  Look who I found in … Continue reading

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