Monthly Archives: November 2010

Birthday Celebrations

It seems we have been celebrating Greg’s birthday for most of the month.  We have been blessed with multiple visits from relatives from overseas in the last couple of weeks, which has been lovely to help celebrate Greg’s four, four, … Continue reading

Posted in Celebrations, Family Life, Gastronomic Explosions - aka Yummy Food/Recipes | Tagged , | 1 Comment

Weather of all Seasons…..

in a day!  Well not quite, but within the last week.  The weather is all over the place at the moment.  One day we have hot, tropical-like weather, the next foggy, not quite cold but not hot either.  Makes for … Continue reading

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Papa love and a Book

Not much I can say, just love the fact that Papa was home in time to read a story to Jairah.  Made my day.  Jairah’s too!

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When you’re loosing your marbles……

give them to the kids!  Well actually, we have had a lovely evening, just had a lot of spare time before bed.  I looked at the clock and it was only 5.55pm, we had eaten, kids were in their pjs … Continue reading

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Apple Muffins

I am always trying to come up with recipes that are suitable for the kids that are not loaded with sugar.  These muffins fit the bill.  I used honey and apple puree to add sweetness. Ingredients: (Makes approx. 12 muffins) … Continue reading

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Favourite places – Ripe Cafe

I want to share with you one of my favourite cafes in the Dandenong Ranges.  Ripe Cafe is a place I found a few years ago in Sassafras.  They make the best baguettes (I couldn’t wait to take a photo … Continue reading

Posted in Favourite Places, Gastronomic Explosions - aka Yummy Food/Recipes | Tagged , , | 2 Comments

Some comfort sewing

Scarlett is feeling rather unwell.  What does this mama do?…sew!  Who doesn’t want to spend time in their favourite pyjamas when feeling under the weather.  I used a pair of Scarlett’s favourite, but worn out pyjama pants as a pattern. … Continue reading

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Bloomin’ Marvelous

Blooms are a bursting out left, right and centre here at the moment.  Our wisteria is finally out in full bloom and smells divine!  I love going out in the evening when it seems to smell at its best and … Continue reading

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It’s a Doggone Hard Life

Cardamon has it so tough, really, he gets to snuggle up to me every night and sleep the evening away.  Don’t you think he could pass as a muppet!

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Organics at my Doorstep

We feel very lucky indeed to have the choice of having organic fruit and vegetables delivered to our door every Friday.  The produce is second to non and oh so yummy.  I love that we only eat what is in season … Continue reading

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