Monthly Archives: December 2010

This Moment

Borrowing an idea from Soulemama {this moment} – A Friday ritual (Saturday here!).  A single photo – no words – capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. … Continue reading

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Our Grand Plans, But First, A Shed!

The new shed Greg has been building is coming along nicely.  It will be great to store away some of our crap stuff.  Jairah enjoyed a little tea party at the building site.  He had a lovely time pouring imaginary … Continue reading

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Papa Want Some Help?

While I have been laying low with the flu, Greg has been busy building.  Today was the vegie patches.  It was a family affair of course, with lots of help from Tenneille and Jairah.  Ah, to be the mama with … Continue reading

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The Aftermath

We had a lovely Christmas day.  My mum and dad were here to celebrate with us.  The kids had so much fun unwrapping gifts.  We have glitter strewn all throughout the house.  Oh, yes, I am beginning to feel like … Continue reading

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This Moment

Borrowing an idea from Soulemama. {this moment} – A Friday ritual (Saturday here!).  A single photo – no words – capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. … Continue reading

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Many Blessings

Wishing you and yours a most blessed and beautiful festive season.  May all your hopes and dreams be realised.  With love, Jacinta and Family.

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Last Minute Gifts – Christmas Dress

I made this dress for Tenneille today from a cot sheet I bought recently at an op shop and an old pillowcase I had in need of a new life.  In all my wisdom, not actually making it from a … Continue reading

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Last Minute Gifts – The Princess and the Pea

After burning the midnight oil, I think  I am finally finished making the girls gifts.  The princess, pea and her many mattresses are finished.  I think I want her all to myself!  I had lots of fun making her.  The … Continue reading

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Shortbread – Seriously, It’s the Best!

This is my mum’s recipe.  Thanks mum!  I think it makes the BEST shortbread.  It is very simple and you can make the dough and refrigerate it or freeze it for later.  The smell of it cooking is divine.  Warning- … Continue reading

Posted in Celebrations, Gastronomic Explosions - aka Yummy Food/Recipes | Tagged | Leave a comment

Santa and his Fire Truck

Oh yes, it’s custom around these parts for Santa to travel by fire truck to deliver all sorts of sweet things to children.  You can’t miss him.  They have the siren going, it’s just a guessing game as to where … Continue reading

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