Monthly Archives: January 2011

Speaking Up For Your Children

How many times have you found yourself in a situation where someone has acted inappropriately towards your children or children in your care?  What I mean by inappropriate is a adult has taken it upon themselves to threaten your child … Continue reading

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A Weekend of Fun

We have had a busy, but fun weekend.  Friday was spent at the Melbourne Museum.  We decided to travel in by train which is well over an hours trip, but the kids had the best time and amused themselves well. … Continue reading

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This Moment

An idea via Soulemama {this moment} – A Friday ritual.  A single photo – no words – capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. Feel free to leave … Continue reading

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One of Those Days

A full on day = self-saucing chocolate pudding + cream. Of course it was washed down with a cup of tea. My soul is revived.  I know I can face tomorrow now.  I will post the recipe soon, I promise, … Continue reading

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Fairies in our Garden

Our afternoon was spent outside planting a new passionfruit vine, weeding and building a fairy house.  Well actually, Scarlett was the fairy house builder.  I think it is the most wonderful creation.  Scarlett built the fairy house the other week … Continue reading

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Tuna and Fresh Tomato Pasta

I made this up for Greg and I the other day.  I felt it was blog worthy. Ingredients: Serves 2-3 people 4 cups cooked pasta 1 small tin tuna, drained (approx 90-100g, I prefer tuna in oil) 1 tomato, diced … Continue reading

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My Littlest Helper

Our sweet little poppet Jairah isn’t interested in toys, no, just give him something like a vacuum and he is one happy chap.  He spent about half an hour today taking it apart and putting it back together.  One of … Continue reading

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This Moment

An idea via Soulemama {this moment} – A Friday ritual.  A single photo – no words – capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. Feel free to … Continue reading

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A Decade Ago Today…

Greg and I were married at Proudfoots on the River, Warrnambool, Victoria.  The ceremony was held in a converted boatshed (very quaint actually).  It rained, of course, but once the vows were all said and done, the rain stopped.  It was a … Continue reading

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For the Girls

I received some fabric goodness in the mail today.  I decided that I would like to make a quilt each for the girls for their birthdays.  I had a lovely time choosing out what I wanted from the Fat Quarter Shop. … Continue reading

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