Monthly Archives: October 2010

The girls

Our chooks are affectionately known as ‘the girls’.  They are so efficient in cleaning up scraps and eating bugs.  They wait very impatiently every morning to be let out into the chook yard where they spend their days scratching for … Continue reading

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Munch Away the Grumps

In an effort to change the mood of things around here today (oh yes, grumpy was reigning supreme, the little people that is), I decided that afternoon tea outdoors was in order.  I love baking, but don’t make a lot … Continue reading

Posted in Gastronomic Explosions - aka Yummy Food/Recipes | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

Books to inspire the crafter within

So as we are getting closer to Christmas, the realisation that I have done very little, albiet, nothing for Christmas is a little daunting.  But of course there are always books that inspire the crafter within me. Sew Soft Toys … Continue reading

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Ahhh, Peace

I’m not referring to the fact the kids are asleep (bless their little souls they are all fast asleep), I have just returned from yoga.  I find I come home with every cell of my body relaxed, revived and just … Continue reading

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Buttermilk Pancakes

Pancakes are part of our weekend ritual and help to make our weekend get off to a great start.  I have, over the years, created a recipe that produces nice fluffy pancakes. The trick is to beat the egg whites. … Continue reading

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An Artist in our Midst

So it seems young Jairah is potentially a Picasso in the making.  While I was distracted in the kitchen, talking to a friend who was visiting, Jairah was busy practicing his artistic skills on our off-white leather sofa.  Needless to … Continue reading

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Good Olde Chicken Soup

Jairah and I have been feeling a bit under the weather the last couple of days.  I always crave chicken soup when unwell.  This is a really basic recipe that tastes SO good.  The delicious flavour comes from the homemade … Continue reading

Posted in Gastronomic Explosions - aka Yummy Food/Recipes | Tagged , , | 2 Comments

Ahhh…. Spring?

I really hope I’m not going to jinx the sunshine today posting this??  This past winter has felt long and draw out.  It is always cooler here in the Dandenong Ranges, generally by up to 5 degrees (Celcius) compared to … Continue reading

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For the Love of Smocking

I have always loved smocked outfits. They really are a piece of art.  It took until a couple of months before Scarlett turned 1 for me to finally try my hand at it.  I took one class to get me … Continue reading

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Winter knitting 2010

In honour of the fact it has taken me 5 years, yes, 5 years to get to the point of actually getting this blog up and running, I thought I could do a bit of ‘back-blogging’, that is, stuff I … Continue reading

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