Category Archives: Sewing

Enchanted Garden Quilt

My quilt is finished, yay!  Unfortunately the weather hasn’t co operated as yet to use it for a picnic, but I couldn’t wait to show it to you.  Made from a layer cake of Kate Spain’s Good Fortune fabric and … Continue reading

Posted in Craft, Quilts, Sewing | Tagged , , , , , | 6 Comments

Hungry Caterpillar Hat

I’m so excited to show you Jairah’s finished hat.  I borrowed quite a bit of time from my day yesterday, but so glad I did!  Jairah was more than happy to participate in a photo shoot today and thankfully the … Continue reading

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Belated Sewing

I had all good intentions of a gifting Jairah at least one thing for his birthday, but alas he has been quite unwell with one evening last week spent in the ER!  Thankfully he seems to be better this week … Continue reading

Posted in Books, Craft, Sewing | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

A Walk In The Woods…..

of the fabric kind that is!  Earlier in the year I entered a fabric giveaway on Retro Mummy.  I was excited to find that I had won the giveaway, 2 charm packs of A Walk In The Woods by Aneela … Continue reading

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‘T’ is for…….

Tarantula!  Tarantula? I hear you say.  Tenneille’s class had a dress up day last week at school and they had to go as something that starts with their first initial. If you know my dear Tenneille, that would not be … Continue reading

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Quick Sew Pants

I spent just one hour today sewing, and actually finished what I started (shocked, I know!).  I made the Oliver + S Nature Walk pants.  What a lovely simple pattern.  The instructions are very clear and there isn’t much to … Continue reading

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Kindle Cozy

A dear friend celebrated her birthday last week with a craft evening.  I decided to make her Kindle a cover, aka, Kindle Cozy.  In my usual style, I was still sewing her gift an hour before I was meant to … Continue reading

Posted in Craft, Sewing | 6 Comments

A Gift For A Budding Cook

Tenneille had a school friend’s party to go to on the weekend.  It was a cooking party, so we decided to make the gift kitchen themed.  I made the birthday girl an apron and added a cookbook and some muffin … Continue reading

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Baby Quilt

You might remember my little sneak peek of a project I was working on last week, well it was for some friend’s of ours who recently had a sweet little baby boy.  Baby’s mama appreciates handmade items, so I knew … Continue reading

Posted in Craft, Quilts, Recommendations, Sewing | Tagged , , , , , , , | 5 Comments

Sunkissed Cushions

I have had it in mind for a while now, to make some cushions for Tennielle’s room to match her birthday quilt.  As the weather has settled into some rather wintery conditions, we have been spending a lot of time … Continue reading

Posted in Craft, Quilts, Sewing | Tagged , , , , , , | 4 Comments