Tag Archives: home renovation

To Market, To Market!

It’s official, the house is now on the market.  We had our first open home this weekend (a good turnout I believe).  Greg has very conveniently headed off to America for a conference.  He’s away for two weeks, so I … Continue reading

Posted in Family Life, Renovations (Renos 101!) | Tagged , | 10 Comments

The Final Touches – Master Bedroom

Hello my dear readers, that is if you are still with me.  We have been so busy getting this house ready to put on the market, that my little space here has suffered.  We officially signed the papers today to … Continue reading

Posted in Renovations (Renos 101!) | Tagged , , , , , | 2 Comments

Bathroom Renovations Day 1

I never thought the day would arrive, that our bathrooms would ever be renovated.  Our tradie has been held up on a few jobs and after a few false starts, he arrived this morning to relieve us of our dated … Continue reading

Posted in Family Life, Renovations (Renos 101!) | Tagged , , | 8 Comments

Keepin’ It Real

– Keepin’ It Real captures the true essence of family life that I know are fleeting, keeping this mama grounded – This week has passed me by so rapidly, I’m about dizzy.  So much to to, but only so much … Continue reading

Posted in Family Life, Keepin' It Real, Renovations (Renos 101!) | Tagged , , , , | 3 Comments