Keepin’ It Real

– Keepin’ It Real captures the true essence of family life that I know are fleeting, keeping this mama grounded –

If there was an olympic event for procrastinators, I think I would be in contention for a gold medal.  The winning event, avoiding folding the washing pile, or in my case, Mt Washing.  It is my constant companion, haunting my every move while I try to avoid it’s desire to blow it’s top at any given moment.  It is of course a great place to play if you are 3 and provides excellent camouflage while hiding from rogue toys.  So while I avoided making direct eye contact with Mt Washing on this dreary, cold and rainy day, I distracted myself with some craft, applique on a top of course for Jairah, that I can add to the washing pile at any given time.  I need more washing to keep Mt Washing alive and well you see.  I mean, who would I be without Mt Washing, organised? Ha!

Jacinta x

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