Author Archives: Jacinta

Touching Base

Well we made it to Boston! We have been here for almost 2 months now and are finally in our own rental. Our furniture took a full 2 months to arrive, so it was a smart move shipping it before we left Australia … Continue reading

Posted in Expat Life, Family Life | 3 Comments

So Our Adventure Begins…

There are a few reasons this poor blog has been so neglected.  Our house is now finally under offer, for the third time!  Who would have thought it would take a year to sell and having so much trouble finding … Continue reading

Posted in Celebrations, Family Life | Tagged , | 6 Comments

Hello World, I’m still here!

I can’t believe I have been so absent from my blog.  If you are reading this, “hello!”, I’ve missed you so.  Things have been rather crazy around here of late, in fact, this blog post has been sitting in my … Continue reading

Posted in Family Life, Seasons | 2 Comments

We’re All Class

Eating out is a bit of a novelty for us, but tonight this mama had had one too many challenges and the fact that the meat planned for dinner was not up to scratch, meant only one thing, I wasn’t … Continue reading

Posted in Family Life, Favourite Places, Gastronomic Explosions - aka Yummy Food/Recipes | Tagged , | 3 Comments

~ 5 ~

Look out, I’ve blogged!  This post has been sitting in my draft file for the last 2 weeks, just waiting for me to bother uploading photos!  Lets hope I can get back into this blogging gig. Jairah turned 5 a … Continue reading

Posted in Books, Celebrations, Family Life | Tagged , | 2 Comments

Oh The Stress!

Hello my dear readers.  I am still here.  It hasn’t been my intention to have this space so quiet.  I have so many blog posts in my head to write, but the want is lacking.  This selling house business is … Continue reading

Posted in Family Life | Tagged , | 6 Comments

{This Moment}

Joining in with Soulemama {this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo – no words – capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. I hope you all have … Continue reading

Posted in Seasons, This Moment | Tagged , | 3 Comments

Getting Knitty

It seems May triggers my inner knitter and I get itching to start new projects for the coming winter months.  I finished a Sweet Memories Cowl for a friend recently using leftover Zara Chiné yarn.  She lives overseas and her … Continue reading

Posted in Knitting | Tagged , , , , , | 4 Comments

Slow Cooker Asian Style Pork Belly

Hello my dear readers, I’m still here, just a little preoccupied with the house, otherwise all is good in our world.  As the weather is getting cooler by the week, I’m finding my recipes are changing along with the season. … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | 2 Comments

To Market, To Market!

It’s official, the house is now on the market.  We had our first open home this weekend (a good turnout I believe).  Greg has very conveniently headed off to America for a conference.  He’s away for two weeks, so I … Continue reading

Posted in Family Life, Renovations (Renos 101!) | Tagged , | 10 Comments