Keepin’ It Real

– Keepin’ It Real captures the true essence of family life that I know are fleeting, keeping this mama grounded –

This week has passed me by so rapidly, I’m about dizzy.  So much to to, but only so much that can be done.  Feeling frustrated at the lack of completion of my kitchen, I decided to tackle my linen closet that had become the make shift, ‘just shove it in here out of the way’ cupboard.  I went to pull something out and everything from one shelf fell out in a heap at my feet.  A sure sign, this was a well overdue job.


With my ever faithful ‘helper’ Jairah, I managed to sort through the cupboard and relocate items that didn’t belong back to their rightful place and I put all the linen that hadn’t been used in the last six months into a bag for the op shop.  In the meantime Jairah happily retrieved dirty washing from the laundry and decided that it needed to be put on Tenneille’s bed (not sure why).  I put it back in the laundry, only to be told by him that it need to go back in Tenneille’s room.  Hmm, I gave up and put it back in the laundry again, after I had finished.

Apparently the dirty washing belonged here!

Of course, he also had to have a little sleep, or ‘bleep’ as he calls it, in the middle of Tenneille’s bedroom floor.  Well I suppose carting laundry about the house must be somewhat tiring when you are three.

So tired!

I’m happy to say, that it is now safe to open my linen closet again.  My one and only tip for storing bed linen is to put sheets or doona/duvet covers inside on of the matching pillow cases.  Saves looking for missing sets when changing bed linen.


On the kitchen front, the good news is apparently the missing pantry doors and drawer fronts should be finally showing up next week.  We just need to do the floors and get the plumber to fit the ducting for the rangehood and my kitchen will be done!

Jacinta x

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