To Market, To Market!

It’s official, the house is now on the market.  We had our first open home this weekend (a good turnout I believe).  Greg has very conveniently headed off to America for a conference.  He’s away for two weeks, so I will be flying solo, so to speak.  Will be interesting to say the least!  I’m trying very hard not to totally stress out.  We have had great feedback about the house and how it has come up.  I must admit, every time I look at the photos the photographer took, I can’t believe how far we have brought this house along.  I will have to see if I can get permission to put the photos up on my blog.  But for now, here are a couple I have taken myself.



Dining Room with Cardamon doing his usual photo bombing

Dining Room with Cardamon doing his usual photo bombing

Lounge room

Lounge room

View from lounge room

View from lounge room

My favourite part of our garden.

My favourite part of our garden.

Fingers crossed it will sell quickly.  I have more pictures, but will save them for future posts.  Jacinta x





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