Tag Archives: Tenneille

This Moment

From Soulemama {this moment} – A Friday ritual. A single photo – no words – capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment.  A moment I want to pause, savour and remember. I love your moments too.  So feel … Continue reading

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This Moment

From Soulemama {this moment} – A Friday ritual. A single photo – no words – capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment.  A moment I want to pause, savour and remember. I love your moments too.  So feel … Continue reading

Posted in Family Life, This Moment | Tagged , , , , | 6 Comments

This Moment

From Soulemama {this moment} – A Friday ritual. A single photo – no words – capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment.  A moment I want to pause, savour and remember. I love your moments too.  So feel … Continue reading

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This Moment – Check out my giveaway!

From Soulemama {this moment} – A Friday ritual. A single photo – no words – capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment.  A moment I want to pause, savour and remember. I love your moments too.  So feel … Continue reading

Posted in Family Life, Seasons, This Moment | Tagged , , , , , | 18 Comments

This Moment

From Soulemama {this moment} – A Friday ritual. A single photo – no words – capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment.  A moment I want to pause, savour and remember. I love your moments too.  So feel … Continue reading

Posted in Family Life, This Moment | Tagged , , , , , | 8 Comments

This Moment

From Soulemama {this moment} – A Friday ritual. A single photo – no words – capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment.  A moment I want to pause, savour and remember. I love your moments too.  So feel … Continue reading

Posted in Family Life, This Moment | Tagged , , , , , , | 27 Comments

First Haircut

Now you could be mistaken that this post was going to be about Jairah, but alas Tenneille had her first haircut the other day at 5 1/2 years old.  Tenneille didn’t really start growing hair until she was around 2 … Continue reading

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Meet Our Newest Addition

Here she is: She arrived today.  Tenneille loves squirrels (along with dragons and dinosaurs of course) and when I saw this squirrel on sale a while ago, I just knew one had to come and live at our house, well … Continue reading

Posted in Family Life, Recommendations | Tagged , , , | 5 Comments

A Big Stack ‘O’ Fun

We spent lots of time outdoors the last few days, seems there was a little sunshine to be enjoyed.  The kids played in all the leaves that have been abandoned by the wisteria for another year.  Apparently it is fun … Continue reading

Posted in Family Life, Seasons, The Garden | Tagged , , , , | 9 Comments

This Moment

From Soulemama {this moment} – A Friday ritual. A single photo – no words – capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savour and remember. I love your moments too. … Continue reading

Posted in Family Life, This Moment | Tagged , , , , , , | 25 Comments