A Big Stack ‘O’ Fun

We spent lots of time outdoors the last few days, seems there was a little sunshine to be enjoyed.  The kids played in all the leaves that have been abandoned by the wisteria for another year.  Apparently it is fun to have mama sweep you up with the leaves into one big stack of fun.

While playing in the leaves I asked Jairah if he could see the moon in the sky.

Looking up, he was all excited at the prospect there could be a moon.

Soon disappointment reigned as there was no moon to be seen.

I think the pictures say it all, the little heartbreaker he is.  He had me giggling with his expressions.  Priceless.  But it didn’t last long, a quick call out to sister and all was good again.

FYI, the dragon suit has spent all weekend having fun too.


Hope you all had a beautiful weekend.   Jacinta x

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