Tag Archives: Family Life

Some Bonfire Fun

Saturday was well spent in our garden.  We finally had a free Saturday and ideal weather to have a bonfire. The amount of tree litter that our lovely Mountain Ash trees gift us is almost unsurmountable.  We need to burn … Continue reading

Posted in Family Life, The Garden | Tagged , , , , | 8 Comments

Stealing a Moment

I have had good intentions of getting multiple blog posts written over the last few days, but I have either had Jairah in my arms, or I just haven’t had the energy to sit down and try and ramble on … Continue reading

Posted in Family Life, Gastronomic Explosions - aka Yummy Food/Recipes | Tagged , | 7 Comments

My Home, On Any Given Day

They say a picture tells a thousand words.  Or should that be, a picture shows a thousand messes to be cleaned up?  I think we have a speed reader on our hands, the rate these books hit the floor!  But … Continue reading

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Papa love and a Book

Not much I can say, just love the fact that Papa was home in time to read a story to Jairah.  Made my day.  Jairah’s too!

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When you’re loosing your marbles……

give them to the kids!  Well actually, we have had a lovely evening, just had a lot of spare time before bed.  I looked at the clock and it was only 5.55pm, we had eaten, kids were in their pjs … Continue reading

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