Stealing a Moment

I have had good intentions of getting multiple blog posts written over the last few days, but I have either had Jairah in my arms, or I just haven’t had the energy to sit down and try and ramble on about our days.  I have therefore stolen some time today via a DVD so I could sit down and connect with you lovely readers and to say thanks to those of you who inquired about everyone’s wellness.  We are all much better, except for Jairah who is still coughing, but he is definitely much better than a couple of days ago.

Now tv is something we don’t do a lot of around here.  We aren’t connected up to free-to-air nor cable television.  However, on rare occasions, I will put a DVD on.  Today television is making up for the nanny I don’t have, but could do with right now.  I am sitting watching in the background with the kids, but I am also enjoying my cup of tea and a generous slice of raspberry and dark chocolate cake with both my hands free.  Now that is a treat.  I have dinner cooking in the slow cooker and have some apple and rhubarb I stewed yesterday, that I will make into a pie as a special treat tonight.  I will have to share the recipe once it’s made.  Ah, I think today is looking up and the sun is shining to boot.

Oh, and I couldn’t resist taking this rare photo of a quiet and snuggly sibling moment.

I hope your days are being kind to you and yours.  Jacinta x

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