Tag Archives: Book recommendations

Cozying Up

It has been such a cold, wet wintery day.  I don’t think the temperature got above 8 degrees.  The perfect day to stay indoors, well apart from getting the girls to and from school.  Oh, and having to go to … Continue reading

Posted in Books, Craft, Recommendations | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments

Yarn Along

Joining in with Ginny at Small Things for yarn along this week. Well I’m sad to say I haven’t come a long way with my lace beret as yet.  I had to pull it out twice, once because I cast on … Continue reading

Posted in Books, Craft, Knitting | Tagged , , , | 6 Comments

Yarn Along

Joining in with Ginny from Small Things. It seems knitting just isn’t happening for me at the moment.  We are in the throws of getting ready to renovate our kitchen and all my spare time seems to have been taken … Continue reading

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Jairah’s Jumper – Yarn Along

Joining in with Ginny at Small Things yarn along this week. Jairah’s jumper is finished!  I love it and found it a lovely pattern to follow. I never used to block garments but these days I always do and it shows in … Continue reading

Posted in Books, Craft, Knitting, Yarn Along | Tagged , , , , , | 17 Comments