Cozying Up

It has been such a cold, wet wintery day.  I don’t think the temperature got above 8 degrees.  The perfect day to stay indoors, well apart from getting the girls to and from school.  Oh, and having to go to the supermarket twice!  The initial visit, where I discovered I didn’t have my wallet when I went to pay (insert very red face).  Thankfully, living in a fairly rural area, they were lovely enough to put my stuff aside while I  got the kids from school then dashed home to get my wallet.  I felt so silly having to return and explain to someone I was there to pick up and pay for my groceries!

Anyway, I digress.  I’ve been working on a little something for a gift, that I will share here soon, but just incase the recipient reads here, I can only offer a sneak peak.  I am currently tucked up in bed, ready to continue doing a little hand sewing while trying to ignore my allergies.  I wish I knew what set them off, it certainly makes me feel miserable.  But a fix of Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries on ABC iview, will be the perfect medicine for this mama.  We don’t have a tv hooked up to free to air, or pay tv, so often I have no idea about tv shows that people talk about.  But when I was told there was a series based on the Phryne Fisher books, I knew I had to check it out.  I’m three episodes in and so far I’m enjoying the series.  The books/tv series are primarily set in Melbourne and the surrounding countryside back in the 1920’s.  If you can get your hands on any of the books, I’m sure you would enjoy them.

I hope you have a lovely evening planned.  Jacinta x

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