Yarn Along

Joining in with Ginny from Small Things.

Still knitting away on the Beyond Puerperium.  I have finished the body, just deciding if I will do short or long sleeves, then some buttons need to be picked out.

I have some lovely Noro that I have recently added to my stash.  I few weeks back,  I thought I had lost Jairah’s knitted hat and after searching for over a week, decided to buy some more yarn to make another.  Can you guess where this is going?  Of course, after buying the Noro (costs a small fortune over here), I found his hat.  It had been put up on top of a cupboard and obviously I hadn’t looked that high up!  Anyway, now I need to find a project to use the two balls of Noro.  Maybe another cowl?  Not sure yet.  May look at Ravelry for some inspiration.

As for reading.  I finished The Kashmir Shawl, by Rosie Thomas.  I can’t say I loved the book, maybe liked?  I found myself reading it, just to finish it.  I think it had too much in the way of affairs outside of marriages for me to find the book captivating, more sad if anything.  Anyway, I bought another book on Kindle this week, called Fields of Corn by Sarah Price.  It’s a good old Amish story, so should be quite a contrast from The Kashmir Shawl!  I’ve only just started it, so haven’t formed an opinion on it so far.

Can’t wait to see what you have all been creating this week.  Jacinta x

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