Yarn Along

Joining in with Ginny at Small Things for yarn along this week.

Well as far as knitting goes, I’m in the negative.  Jairah found my knitting bag the other day and obviously it was too much for him to see yarn on needles, so he so kindly unravelled my beret.  At the time, we were in the crazy hour before getting the girls off to school, I told Greg that I needed to step outside for a minute or two and well, I cried.  Crafting time is a little precious around here and the thought of having to cast on the beret for a third time overwhelmed me.  I thought I would get around to casting it back on today, as we had a public holiday, but with everyone home, I ended up spending most of my day in the kitchen.  At least we had yummy cinnamon scrolls for afternoon tea.

As for reading, I finished a Kindle book, called The Women of Magnolia by Marlene Mitchell.  It was set in the Civil War era, based in the South.  There were multiple story lines that intertwined throughout the book linking the characters together and the hardships they endured along the way.  It certainly wasn’t dull and I quite liked the book as a whole.

I can’t wait to see what you have all been crafting.  I always love hearing about different books you are reading too.

Jacinta x

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