Devonshire Tea Anyone?

We finally had our rangehood properly installed yesterday.  It only took five reschedules with the plumber due to all the rain we have been experiencing.  But thankfully the rain cleared yesterday and today was no exception, in fact it was quite hot.  Greg spent the day filling a skip bin with the old kitchen and I wrangled children in many different ways (see photo below) while potting up seeds for our vegie garden.

It was a hot day here, so Jairah parked himself in the tub right next to me while I potted seeds and Greg slaved away filling the skip bin with all the junk you can see in the background.

When it came to afternoon tea, I decided to finally bake something in my new oven.  It was a unanimous vote for scones.  I am happy to say they were cooked to perfection.  The scones were topped with homemade cherry and plum jam, with a dollop of fresh whipped organic cream that I scooped off the top of the milk this morning.  The scones were washed down with a lovely hot cup of tea.  I do believe my eyes rolled back into my head. And you know, if I could, I’d have invited you all for afternoon tea.  How great would that be?!

The cup and saucer belonged to my Great Grandma

I hope you had a great Saturday too.  Jacinta x

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