Happy Birthday My Love

It’s Greg’s birthday today.  Of course he spent most of it at work, but we all went out for dinner tonight to a local restaurant to celebrate.  The kids were gorgeous and did really well considering we were heading out at the time we normally put them to bed.

Jairah was drawing a plane, so he told me

Nothing like finding some scrap paper in your handbag and a pen to keep little hands and minds busy!

We all survived our outing and came home to continue the festivities.  I’d let the kids choose a gift each for Greg.  I had a giggle at what they decided he might ‘want’. Scarlett chose a unicorn book for Greg to read (to her!), Tenneille chose a singing, dancing Christmas reindeer and the girls chose, on behalf of Jairah, a picture book.  Looks like Greg has plenty of new reading material for the kids bedtime this week.
To balance out his birthday bounty from the kids, his main gift was a remote control helicopter, which apparently he has always wanted. Probably not what I would have chosen, but better to buy a gift someone wants, right? Jairah just about lost his mind when he saw Greg unwrapping it.  I will endeavour to video Greg flying it to get Jairah’s reaction on film.

A bit of light reading for you papa!

Make a wish! Actually, Jairah blew out the candles before Greg got a chance. I was quite impressed.

As for the cake, there is a recipe to come.  It’s too good not to share with you.  Now pardon me while I go lay down and allow the piece of cake I ate to digest.

The cake. Recipe coming.....


A little Irish blessing, just for you Greg, happy birthday love:

Lucky stars above you,
Sunshine on your way,
Many friends to love you,
Joy in work and play-
Laughter to outweigh each care,
In your heart a song-
And gladness waiting everywhere
All your whole life long!

Jacinta x

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