Yarn Along

Joining in with Ginny at Small Things yarn along this week.

Or in my case, should I just say book along?  I haven’t had a chance to knit in the last two weeks.  It seems winter lurgies have been running rampent in our house these last couple of weeks.  Scarlett was the first, followed by Jairah then Greg.  Thankfully Tenneille seems to have missed this round!

I fell victim earlier this week too, which means I have been trying to take it easy as being the mama, I don’t really have time to take off to be sick (as I’m sure is the same for all of you).  The good news is, that I have had lots of early nights which means I can read more.  I have read three books which ironically have all been Amish themed.  The first book was The Amish Midwife by Mindy Starns Clark and Leslie Gould.  I really liked it and found it hard to put down.  It was an easy read and I read in in only a few days, just reading a page here and there.  I love all things home birth related and that is what attracted me to the book in the first place.  I recommend it.

I found a sequel to The Amish Midwife called, The Amish Nanny by the same authors as above and well, I had to read it too.  It followed on quite well from the first book and again I read it in a few days.  I noticed that Mindy has written a few other books, so I might have to check them out too.  Or if you have read any of her other books, I would like to know your recommendations.

The lastest book was a $1.99 kindle special called The Hope of Refuge, by Cindy Woodsmall.  I found myself yet again sucked into the story and just finished it tonight.  I loved the characters and the storyline.  There are another two books in the series which I am tempted to buy.  Although I can see how one would get addicted to buying books this way!

I will admit now that kindle is my secret to getting books read quickly.  I often have small snippets of time while waiting at school to pick up Scarlett or in between jobs while the kids are happily playing.  I can lay in bed with the light out and still be able to read. Oh yes, kindle is my friend!

I can’t wait to see what you have all been crafting and/or reading this week.

Jacinta x

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