Monthly Archives: August 2012


Talk about crazy winter weather today!  Rain, snow, sleet, hail more rain more hail (you get the picture).  Usually we just contend with a lot of rain and fog in winter, but today Mother Nature certainly mixed it up.  Even … Continue reading

Posted in Seasons | Tagged , | 5 Comments

Yarn Along

Joining in with Ginny, or should I say Ginny’s hubby this week, from Small Things. My photo is a little on the mysterious side this week, as I am working on a gift for a friend.  I’m using Zara Chiné which … Continue reading

Posted in Books, Craft, Knitting, Yarn Along | Tagged , | 16 Comments

Winter Wonderland

At the beginning of winter, we promised the kids we would take them to the snow.  After watching the snow report for a good month, we figured Monday was the day.  The kids were so excited all morning and I … Continue reading

Posted in Family Life, Seasons | Tagged , , | 3 Comments

This Moment

From Soulemama {this moment} – A Friday ritual. A single photo – some words – capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment.  A moment I want to pause, savour and remember. I love your moments too.  So feel … Continue reading

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Yarn Along

Joining in with Ginny at Small Things. I have had a very industrious week, knitting-wise.  I finished my Ruby Tea Leaves cardi .  I love it and it fits beautifully.  I also finished the cowl I was knitting for my friend’s … Continue reading

Posted in Craft, Knitting, Yarn Along | 7 Comments