Winter Wonderland

At the beginning of winter, we promised the kids we would take them to the snow.  After watching the snow report for a good month, we figured Monday was the day.  The kids were so excited all morning and I will admit now, it was a long two hour drive to Mt Baw Baw!  Ah yes, there were many deep (exasperated) breaths from both Greg and I.  Finally reaching the top of the mountain, after enduring snow chains (think corrugated roads), we all rugged up within an inch of our lives and headed off to hire toboggans.  The kids took to the toboggan run like pros and there was no stopping them.  They had no fear and even Jairah was zooming down the slope giggling his head off.

The first sighting of snow!

And they’re off!

They certainly got up some speed

Greg and I were impressed with how well our kids got along all day.  There was no fighting, bickering or nagging, instead, they took turns of the two toboggans and the girls happily played side by side, all the while copious amounts of snow was being consumed.  It was all so much fun, none of us wanted to go home!  Next time, we will certainly make it a mini family holiday and go for a couple of days.  The car trip home was much quieter and I swear there were smiles upon some very sleepy lips.

Self portrait!


It took a few photos, but I finally got them all looking my way…..



but this is a bit more like it!

Jacinta x

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