Bloomin’ Marvelous

Blooms are a bursting out left, right and centre here at the moment.  Our wisteria is finally out in full bloom and smells divine!  I love going out in the evening when it seems to smell at its best and just breath in the sweet smell.  It  amazes me how quick it comes into bloom.  A little less than two weeks ago it was bare and now it is in full bloom.  Now if only I could share the fragrance with you.  The smell is wafting in through the window as I type.

Another couple of rhododendrons have burst out to greet spring too.   Hope you enjoy!

We also have these lovely little yellow flowers throughout the front garden.  They look a little like weeds from a distance, but up close the inside of the petals look like they have been painted with glaze.  The yellow is so intense, it is as if the sun itself, has been captured within its petals.

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