‘T’ is for…….

Tarantula!  Tarantula? I hear you say.  Tenneille’s class had a dress up day last week at school and they had to go as something that starts with their first initial. If you know my dear Tenneille, that would not be a teapot or something dainty, no a spider is so much more fitting. That girl loves her bugs dinosaurs and dragons. She wanted to go as a Pterodactyl, but that rascally silent ‘p’, fixed that idea up.

Anyway, I traipsed off to Spotlight to see what kind of spidery fabric I could find.  Of course, there was the small problem of, ‘how do I make a tarantula outfit?,” and did I mention I only gave myself a day to get this finished?  Ah, nothing like being the queen of last minute projects.  I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw the fabric with the golden spiderwebs.  I kind of fashioned the fabric as wings, so it would stay on her back and not get in her way.  I had a giggle imagining anything like this available it the overly pink girl’s section of toy stores!

The kids all looked super cute and there was actually another tarantula too!  I think it was a nice day for the kids and gave them a chance to express their creative side too.

Jacinta x

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