A Walk In The Woods…..

of the fabric kind that is!  Earlier in the year I entered a fabric giveaway on Retro Mummy.  I was excited to find that I had won the giveaway, 2 charm packs of A Walk In The Woods by Aneela Hoey and about 3 metres of contrasting fabric .  It finally arrived a couple of weeks ago and I have been waiting for good lighting to take some decent pictures, today was the day.  Corrie from Retro Mummy threw in an extra charm pack of Trade Winds by Lily Ashbury too.

I’ve got a couple of ideas for what I want to make, most likely a quilt.  I know both Scarlett and Tenneille love this fabric, especially the toadstools and the cute fox.  Now to find that elusive crafting time in which to make my project happen.  I must say this is one of my favourite fabric lines to date.  Have you got a favourite fabric?  Please feel free to share.

Jacinta x

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