A Winter Wonderland

We had some very cold pre-winter weather last week.  Snow fell in the little town not far from us and for a short while we basically had snow here.  The following day we had hail falling (or rather pelting down) on and off for many hours.  It started late in the evening and it was so white outside, it looked like the landscape was glowing in the dark.  I tried to take photos, but they didn’t show off the transformed landscape.

The next morning there was still a lot of ice on the ground and the girls decked themselves out in winter woolies and ventured out to play in the wonderland and to eat the ice of course. When I asked Tenneille why she had ice in her pockets, she replied that it was keeping her hands from getting too cold (well I have to give her points for that one).  The ice was still on the ground at the end of the day, as the daytime temperature stayed quite low.

Scarlett, showing me her mouthful of ice!

Tenneille has a stash of ice in her hands, ready for eating.

Hmm, what am I growing? Apparently not much!

The girls had fun sliding down the slide that was covered in ice

No patch of ice escaped cute footprints

Ivy and ice at the base of a Mountain Ash

This week hasn’t been as cold, but it makes me wonder what kind of winter we might be in for.  Rain is currently falling on our tin roof, team that with the open fire, then I say, bring on the winter wonderland!   And if all else fails, I know I will sleep well tonight listening to the rain on the roof (I think it is one of my favourite sounds, how about you?).  Jacinta x

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