
Tenneille turned 5 today, but not until she had a birthday cake sitting in front of her, us singing happy birthday and her blowing out candles.  Tenneille doesn’t believe you turn the next number (her words) until the above mentioned has been followed through with.  I love how certain things have to be an exact science.

Today five years ago, at an approximate time of 5am Tenneille Sophia arrived earth side, in water at home.  labour was less than 5 hours and very straightforward.  She was 8lb 12oz and so gorgeous.

Just born

First cuddle with Scarlett

Two days old

That thumb!

Doesn't feel like 5 years

We have had a beautiful day today.  We had to alter our plans due to wet weather, but it turned out the perfect day.  We had a yummy chocolate cake decorated with dinosaurs, cream and strawberries as, requested by Tenneille.



Present opening was left till the end of the day.  Tenneille was quite restrained and didn’t mind waiting at all.  She was very delighted with her gifts.

She has had her eye on this dinosaur at a local shop for months!

How cute is this card (and girl)

Yes, you are a crazy dog

Happy birthday to our sparkly little poppet!  Love you, Mama xx

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