Back to School

Today was Scarlett’s first day back at school for 2011.  She is in grade 2 this year.  She attends a lovely Steiner/Waldorf school.  She was quite excited to be starting back.  My dad briefly dropped in to see her off to school which was pretty special, as he works interstate and often misses special occasions.  She talked the whole way home about every little detail of the day.  A swim in the paddling pool after school topped off a fun day.  I hope her enthusiasm lasts the year through.  Tomorrow Scarlett’s class gets to welcome the class 1 students to the school.  It is a beautiful ceremony where the class 2 students individually give the class 1 students a rose and lead them to their classroom.  When I watched it last year, when Scarlett was in class 1, I had tears in my eyes.  It’s these little things that make Steiner education stand out for me.

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