Autumn Harvest

It seems we had our first successful potato harvest this weekend.  My veggie patch has been somewhat slow this year, so it is nice to think we have enough potatoes for a few meals at least.  I still have a few more spuds to harvest in the next couple of weeks.  The Sebago potatoes did really well and are a favourite.  The Low Carb Carrera, were numerous, but small, although they are a fairly small variety to begin with.  I’m thinking the kids will love the Carrera boiled in the skins.  I will have to report back as to how they taste, as they are a variety I have never tried.  Tenneille was my garden helper today and gladly helped me dig up the potatoes.  We agreed that is was as fun as digging for treasure!

I think if you squint, it kind of looks like treasure!

Tenneille very kindly arranged the Carrera pototoes according to size.

Sebago spuds are loaded up ready to go!

I’m still waiting on my first tomato, which is hard to believe, given we are now in Autumn.  The season has been really delayed here.  Even my pumpkins are not doing much.  I don’t think I am going to get any watermelons either, even though the vine is growing well.  I am thinking I’d be better off with a greenhouse!  What is your garden up to at the moment?  Jacinta x

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