Tenneille’s Bedroom

It has taken months to get the final finishes done on Tenneille’s bedroom.  I am so happy with how it has turned out.  It is totally different to how the room started off.  All the rooms in the house were originally beige (I mean everything, walls, cupboards, inside of cupboards, I think you get the picture).  The flooring was originally carpet which had well and truly reached its use by date and the curtains were really tacky.  But now, it is pure bliss.  The splash of yellow on the wall brings the sunshine indoors and a smile to my face every time I enter Tenneille’s room.   So, without further ado, here ’tis….


Flooring being laid

Tenneille's Room After

Tenneille's Room After

Yes, I promise you are looking at the same room!

My favourite prints In. The. World

I love this wall sticker, but it took me an hour to get the trunk lined up just so.  Oh my, it almost didn’t make the final cut!

Close up of the curtain material.

The curtain material is by Sweetwater and is from their Sunkissed range.  I can’t believe how perfectly it matches the paint.

I made both these dresses. The one on the right was worn by Tenneille on her naming day when she was 6 weeks old. Memories...


I think Violet (on the left) and Rose like their new surrounds

I am proud to say this is our first fully renovated room in the house.  Hurrah!  As for the kitchen, it is coming along nicely, the plasterer was here today, so things are moving along beautifully.  More kitchen photos to come soon.  Jacinta x

Now for details:

Feature wall colour is Swedish Yellow by Dulux in matt finish
Other wall colour is Antique USA White by Dulux in matt finish
Door and trims are White On White by Dulux in gloss finish
Ceiling is White on White by Dulux in matt finish

The flooring is made of bamboo floating floorboards in Coffee colour, purchased from Bunnings.

Curtains are made from Sweetwater’s Sunkissed fabric in Lemonade.  Purchased from here

Floor rug (aka, Yetti) was purchased from Ikea, it is not of animal origin!

The gorgeous bear and girl prints were purchased from here

The tree wall sticker and the ‘look what I did today’ art hanger were purchased from Myer.

Violet was made by me and Rose is of unknown origin

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