Yarn Along

Joining in with Ginny at Small Things for yarn along this week.

Not much knitting has been happening for me over the last few months.  Too many things have been getting in the way (like our current kitchen renovation).  Technically this weeks knitting is Scarlett’s.  Scarlett attends a Steiner/Waldorf school and as a class, Scarlett and the other children are each knitting a square to contribute to a baby blanket for their teacher who is due to have a baby later this year.  It’s kind of sad, as she is a lovely teacher and this is the second teacher in as many years, that is having a baby.  Her teacher from last year had a baby earlier in the year (normally with Steiner education a teacher will stay with the class right through the primary years).

Of course with the kitchen renovations and three weeks of school holidays thrown in, Scarlett hasn’t gotten around to knitting her square (ok, rather I haven’t gotten around to casting on for her).  She asked me again tonight to cast on the stitches for her and well, I got a bit carried away and knitted a few more rows!  It needs to be finished this week, so I am sure Scarlett will appreciate the head start.  I can’t wait to see the baby blanket made up and I will try to get a photo to share once it is finished.

As for reading, on the recommendation of another lovely blogger, I just started reading The Other Hand, by Chris Cleave.  I had trouble finding it at first as it is also sold under the name Little Bee (US version), which is what I was searching for.  I am only a few pages in, but I am loving how beautifully it is written so far.  I will keep you posted.

I want to add that I finally finished The Lacuna a while back.  I am glad I stuck with it till the end.  I know some people have told me they just couldn’t finish it.   All I can say is it isn’t a book that will babysit you through it’s pages and there is so much packed into the book, it is easy to get lost within it.  At the same time there is some really beautiful language that is a given with a Kingslover novel.  My favourite character from the book was Mrs Violet Brown.  I loved her strength of character.  I really enjoyed the later half of the book in which she was part of the storyline.

I can’t wait to see what you have all been crafting and reading.  You are all so talented! Jacinta x

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