Our Winter Nature Table

We have a nature table to celebrate the change of the seasons.  The girls and I finally decorated our winter scene this past weekend.   Of course we always have good intentions of having it decorated as the seasons roll over, but it seems we are seasonally delayed!  Better late than never I suppose.

The painting behind the scene is by Scarlett as is the white spotted red mushroom aka Amanita Muscaria.  The Snowdrop babe is made by yours truely.

Snowdrop babe

Aren't her ruffles divine

The knitted gnome and the moon house are from a lovely local Steiner shop.  I made the winter gnome who I think looks rather like a Tomten.

Our winter gnome who morphed into a Tomten

The girls thought he looked like a Tomten too, so hence the brown fox in front of the moon house.  For those of you who aren’t familiar with a Tomten, he is a delightful character from books written by Astrid Lindgren.  Oh and lets not forget the red chook.  Tenneille thought it essential that the winter scene needed to include one.  As for the nature table itself, it is a piece of reclaimed red gum I found at an op-shop a few years ago.  It seems very fitting for its purpose.

I find our nature table rather enchanting and I love how proud the girls are in their decorating abilities.  I love how it connects us with the season we are experiencing while in the comfort of our home.    Jacinta x

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