Celebrating Papa

We celebrated Father’s Day this past Sunday.  Greg got a ‘sleep in’ (ok, I think it was more along the lines of being jumped on by Jairah), while I cooked us a hearty breakfast.  The girls had lovingly wrapped his presents and made him gorgeous cards.  A picnic has been on the cards all week and thankfully the weather gods were smiling upon us making a picnic possible.  I can’t tell you how good the warm sun felt on our faces.  Isn’t it amazing how a little sunshine, blue sky and fresh air can make all the difference.  We were lucky enough to find a picnic spot with table and seats, although the girls would have preferred a picnic rug, but alas, we don’t have one currently.  Although, that is my next craft project!

After lunch, we wondered around the gardens and just enjoyed our time together.  We love this papa of ours dearly and he works hard and certainly deserved a day devoted to him.  It couldn’t have had a more perfect day.  If you celebrated Father’s Day, I hope it was a lovely day too.

Jacinta x

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