Magic Loop

Have you ever tried the magic loop method for knitting?  I can’t believe what I’ve been missing out on.  For some reason I was scared of trying out this method for knitting in the round, but I am so glad I got my knitty together and with the help of a youtube session I was on my way.  Now I’ve given it a go, it seems almost too easy!  Silly me.  I can’t tell you the amount of times I have put things in the too hard basket, only to find that once I’ve put my hand to whatever I’ve been avoiding, it has worked out to not be such a biggie.  Seriously, it is one of my life lessons.

My current knitting project is Askel.  It’s a cute hooded vest that will (hopefully) be for Jairah.  I didn’t have 5ply yarn in my stash, so I’m using 8ply.  I cast on with 3.75mm needles for the waistband then 4mm for the body and using the dimensions for size 2, I’m hoping for a size 4(ish) outcome.  It is knitting up really quickly and I attribute that to the magic loop method.  I’ve just finished the bands of colour in the the body of the vest, but it is too late to take a decent photo.  I will share more pictures on Wednesday for Yarn Along.  Till then, happy knitting.

Jacinta x



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