Crowning Glory

Scarlett was recently invited to one of her school friend’s fairy/princess party.   She decided to go as a garden fairy, wearing the dress I made for her birthday last year.  She was desperate for a crown to wear and we decided that making one out of foliage would very fitting for a garden fairly.  So we all headed for a walk down our road in search of flowers, which is a feat in itself considering it’s mid-winter and we live amongst a forrest.

It was lovely to wonder along and take in the gorgeous views that are just a stone’s throw from our house and thankfully there were a few pretty flowers to pick along side the road.  Although, apparently there’s a rather long process to picking just the right flower for the job and making sure one’s dragon is placed just so in a basket, to prevent crushing freshly picked flowers (Tenneille’s dragon that is).

Searching for that perfect crown adornment and keeping check on one's dragon in the basket.


Meanwhile, there were pretty views of the valley below us, with the last of the morning fog lifting.

Once we finally made it home there was a mad rush to get everyone lunch and dressed to get out the door (Tenneille had gone flower picking in her pjs!).  I constructed the main part of the crown for Scarlett from a vine and she decorated it with all the flowers and foliage.  We added some pretty ribbon to hang down at the back.

I promise they posed themselves so perfectly, Cardamon included!


The Crowning Glory - our very own garden fairly

The crown was worn for all of 5 minutes at the party, of course.  All the girls looked gorgeous dressed up in their finest.  Especially when they were all on a jumping castle!

It was a special treat for this mama to sit and chat to other parents at the party while Greg took Tenneille and Jairah off to a park.   All the princesses and fairies went home very happy with balloons in hand and smiles on faces.  Jacinta x

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