Monthly Archives: December 2010

Christmas Stockings

I have been using inferior Christmas stockings for the kids for too long.  This year, with all the lovely fabric I bought at Spotlight, I just had to make new stockings.  I drafted a pattern and this is what I … Continue reading

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A Celebration and Tiramisu was Invited

I was invited out last night to celebrate a dear friend’s birthday.  The dinner party had an Italian theme, which we all contributed a dish to.  My contribution, Tiramisu.  Of course, I made a double batch so I could have … Continue reading

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This moment

Borrowing an idea from Soulemama. {this moment} – A Friday ritual (Saturday here!).  A single photo – no words – capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

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Just a Little Something

Scarlett and I decided that it would be nice to make something special for her class friends.  We decided on hand stitched star ornaments.   Scarlett helped me dye the calico with teabags.  That was lots of fun.  She chose … Continue reading

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Some Lark Goodness

I couldn’t help myself.  Lark had a sale on Belle & Boo and I just had to have the reversible skirt for Tenneille.   I had been eyeing it off for a while, so when it featured in their 12 … Continue reading

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In the Spirit of the Season

Just sharing a little of our festive spirit with you.

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Meet our very own St Nicholas

Saint Nicholas joined our family a few years back.  I love his rustic look and charm.  I made him from a pattern out of Australia Homespun, No.12 (Vol 3.4).  It is a fairly old magazine.  I had it a few … Continue reading

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Festive Napery

I have been crafting like a crazy woman!  I managed to get a table cloth together with napkins and a table runner sewn up in an afternoon.  I am so happy with the outcome.  I know I wouldn’t have been … Continue reading

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A New Arrival of the Sweet and Scrumptious Kind

My cousin’s wife recently had a baby girl.  What better excuse to do some crafting!  I decided that a quilt was in order.  The pattern is by Kwik Sew, pattern no. 2971.   I purchased the pattern about 8 years … Continue reading

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Slippery Big Suckers!

Oh yes, bugs are big around here.  Or should I say slugs!   Enormous almost doesn’t cut it.  They are know as Leopard Slugs (Limax Maximus).  As it has been so wet around here of late, they have been very … Continue reading

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